The below calculator will assist you in determining your eligibility for the PSS using the standard PSS calculation.

Apply for the Premium Support Scheme (PSS)

If you would like to apply for the PSS for the 2022/23 Premium Period, you need to complete an Application for PSS. 

Your completed form can be returned to us via one of the following methods:

  • Fax to 1300 011 244

PSS Calculator

Enter your Gross Annual Billings for the Premium Period
Gross Annual Billings is taken to have the same meaning as Estimated Income. Do not provide billings generated from work in the Public Sector.
Please provide a value for this question
Enter your Gross Indemnity Costs for the Premium Period
Premium and Subscription excluding GST and Stamp Duty
Please provide a value for this question
Based on the information you have provided you are eligible for a PSS payment of $
You would not be entitled to a PSS payment at this time as your Gross Annual Billings are less than $1,000. For further information please refer to the eligibility criteria in the PSS Information Booklet.
You would not be entitled to a PSS payment as your Premium does not exceed 7.5% of your Gross Annual Billings. For further information please refer to the eligibility criteria in the PSS Information Booklet.
You would not be entitled to a PSS payment at this time.