Have you experienced angry or aggressive behaviour from patients in a medical setting?
Experiencing aggression in the workplace is a challenge faced by many doctors and other healthcare workers. Consequences of experiencing challenging behaviour from patients or carers can have significant effects on individuals physical and mental wellbeing. This online workshop is designed to equip Members to recognise signs of increasing agitation and defuse escalation of aggressive behaviour in the workplace.
This workshop explores:
- factors which contribute to and trigger verbal and physical aggressive behaviour in patients
- practical and preventive workplace strategies to reduce the risk of angry behaviour
- strategies to de-escalate angry or aggressive behaviour
The workshop is complimentary for MDA National Members. Non-Members may participate, if space allows, for a fee (contact education@mdanational.com.au).
Learn about the session's learning outcomes and CPD recognition.
More information about the session’s learning outcomes and facilitatorsEvent Information
Career Stages:
- Doctors in Training
- Doctors in Practice
- Doctors in Specialist Training
Wednesday, 23 April 2025 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Online from the comfort of your computer – chrome browser recommended

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Systematic efforts to reduce harms due to prescribed opioids – webinar recording
Efforts are underway across the healthcare system to reduce harms caused by pharmaceutical opioids. This 43-min recording of a live webinar, delivered 11 March 2021, is an opportunity for prescribers to check, and potentially improve, their contribution to these endeavours. Hear from an expert panel about recent opioid reforms by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
14 May 2021
Diplomacy in a hierarchy: tips for approaching a difficult conversation
Have you found yourself wondering how to broach a tough topic of conversation? It can be challenging to effectively navigate a disagreement with a co-worker, especially if they're 'above' you; however, it's vital for positive team dynamics and safe patient care. In this recording of a live webinar you'll have the opportunity to learn from colleagues' experiences around difficult discussions and hear from a diverse panel moderated by Dr Kiely Kim (medico-legal adviser and general practitioner). Recorded live on 2 September 2020.
05 Oct 2020