Discharge against medical advice
07 Dec 2023
Understanding the history
If possible, read the notes before you engage the patient so that you have a good understanding of the clinical background.
- Are there concerns about cognition, insight or capacity?
- Does the patient have any physical, mental health, or drug and alcohol issues which might impair judgement?
- How premature is the patient’s request for discharge?
- Who is the next of kin?
Introduce yourself and explain that your role is to understand the patient’s plan, and to make their discharge as safe and simple as possible. Let the patient know you want to understand what they’re trying to achieve. It may be that a particular concern can be addressed that will enable the patient to stay, or some form of compromise or practical arrangement can be negotiated. The patient may be their spouse’s carer, or they might have a family pet that needs to be cared for.
While you’re talking with the patient, you will need to address two key assessments that are required to discharge a patient against medical advice (these are often performed together):
- Is the patient competent (do they have the capacity to make the decision)?
- Has the patient provided informed consent regarding their decision to self-discharge?
Competence (Capacity)
Under the law, adults are presumed to be competent unless proven otherwise. A person is competent to make decisions if they are able to:1
- understand the nature of their condition
- understand the nature and consequences of the treatment options (including the consequences of having no treatment)
- retain and weigh up the information
- communicate their decision.
While you should be able to understand the reasoning, it’s important to note that capacity is not contingent on a patient’s decision being:
- rational or wise
- consistent with a belief shared by the treating team or the population at large.
The patient without capacity
Does the patient have an acutely altered mental state?
In the acute care setting, this may be due to many causes (e.g. delirium, the effects of medication, drugs or alcohol). Document your findings, ideally with a cognitive screening assessment such as a mini mental state examination and consider a focused mental state examination. If the patient lacks capacity, they may need to be managed under the emergency provisions of the relevant guardianship legislation (with a view to involving a substitute decision-maker as soon as possible) until such time as capacity is regained. Consider getting a second opinion.
Mental health issues
Where the patient has a likely mental illness or disorder and poses a risk of harm to themselves or others, consideration should be given to managing care under the relevant mental health legislation (including involuntary detention, admission and treatment). This is beyond the scope of this article.
The patient who refuses assessment can be particularly challenging. You should be upfront about the purpose of the assessment and note that your findings will potentially form the basis of any treatment that might be required in an emergency, if capacity cannot be established.
Informed consent
Ensure the patient has sufficient information about the risks of discharging against medical advice, and any steps required to minimise risk.
A practical test of the patient’s understanding, capacity and retention is to ask them to paraphrase their reasons for leaving, and the risks this might pose.
Allowing discharge against medical advice
If the patient is competent and has been informed of the risks, they should be allowed to depart. Careful documentation is key.
- Ask the patient to sign and date a statement declaring they are leaving the hospital against medical advice. The declaration should state they have been advised of the risks to their health and safety, and that they understand and accept the risks. Most hospitals have a pre-printed form for this purpose. If the patient refuses to sign a form, document the circumstances carefully.
- The patient should be given a clear contingency plan – signs of deterioration, any ongoing treatment, and when to return to the hospital.
- If the patient provides consent, the patient’s family or carer(s) should be contacted and made aware of the patient’s imminent self-discharge and the circumstances surrounding it. This might involve a discussion of the patient’s condition and any potential risks.
- The patient’s care providers in the community (GP, specialists, case workers) should be contacted, and a discharge summary should be sent as soon as possible, to ensure continuity of care and follow-up.
It may be prudent to seek advice or obtain a second clinical opinion where possible. Contact our Medico-legal Advisory Services on 1800 011 255, where urgent advice can be obtained 24 hours a day.
1. https://www.mdanational.com.au/advice-and-support/library/articles-and-case-studies/2015/10/assessment-of-capacity
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