Spinal Surgery
19 Sep 2023

Spinal surgery risks
Low back pain is the leading global cause of disability (1). A range of treatments include manual and physical therapies, opioids, non-opioid painkillers, medicinal cannabis, spinal injections, and nerve ablation. Spinal surgery is often sought when these treatments fail, but the benefits must be carefully weighed against the risks.
Increasing rates of surgery
Elective spinal surgery rates have been increasing over the last 20 years in Australia (2), a trend also seen in the US and Europe (3,4,5,6), with the increase disproportionally greater among privately insured patients. During 2012–18, 83% of spine procedures in Australia were performed in the private sector (7).
Suggested reasons for increased spinal surgeries include the ageing population, the advent of newer technologies for performing procedures, the increased availability of imaging, ineffectiveness of other treatments, and surgeon preference (8).
Lack of evidence
A review of the evidence for spinal surgery as a treatment for low back pain found that spinal surgery has a role in alleviating radicular pain and disability resulting from neural compression, or where back pain relates to cancer, infection, or gross instability. However, spinal surgery for all other forms of back pain is unsupported by clinical data, and the broader evidence base for spinal surgery in the management of low back pain is poor and suggests it is ineffective (9). The lack of high-quality evidence for the effectiveness of many spinal procedures (10) means there are no clear clinical practice guidelines, no consensus on the indications for spinal surgery, and considerable practice variation (8).
Adverse outcomes and claims
Negative outcomes for spinal surgery patients can be catastrophic, such as paraplegia, incontinence, and severe and/or chronic pain.
Spinal surgery was the most common type of procedure involved in wrong site surgery, and 60% of neurosurgery malpractice claims involved spinal surgery, in US studies (4). MDA National’s claims data shows that claims related to spinal surgery are costly, with 78% of incurred costs for claims against neurosurgeons from 2005-2019 related to spinal surgery.
Reducing the risk
Common themes in claims and complaints which can be addressed by clinicians are:
- Poor choice of patient or procedure Referrals to surgeons and decisions to operate should be made according to current evidence-based clinical thresholds, for example the Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard (11), Therapeutic Guidelines (12), or Choosing Wisely (13). Caution is advised in proceeding to surgery for patients with comorbidities, psychological components of chronic pain and on workers compensation (14,15,16).
- Problems with the consent process Patients should be informed about the risks and alternative treatment options, preferably using a procedure-specific consent form and with thorough documentation in the medical record. Surgeons should try to ensure that patients have realistic expectations and are not rushed into providing consent (17,18,19,20).
- Failure to follow standard protocols Protocols should be followed to help with accurate intraoperative localisation, prevention of wrong site surgery, patient positioning that minimises compromise of nerves, and equipment checks (21,22,23,24).
- Delay in recognising complications Recovery room staff, other treating health professionals and patients should be informed about signs and symptoms to be concerned about and how to contact the surgeon urgently if issues arise. Surgeons should be alert to minimising delays in responding to potential complications (25).
This article is provided by MDA National. They recommend that you contact your indemnity provider if you need specific advice in relation to your insurance policy or medico-legal matters. Members can contact MDA National for specific advice on freecall 1800 011 255 or use the “contact us” form at mdanational.com.au.
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