RDAA Rural Health Bursary 2016
Inspiring ANU fourth year medical student, Danielle Dries, is the recipient of the 2016 MDA National and Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) Rural Health Bursary valued at $7,000.Inspiring ANU fourth year medical student, Danielle Dries, is the recipient of the 2016 MDA National and Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) Rural Health Bursary valued at $7,000.
The bursary is designed to assist an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander doctor wishing to undertake a rural or remote clinical placement or research, or another activity that would benefit rural and/or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.
Danielle would like to use the bursary to research Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health curriculum across health disciplines and universities “to see where we can improve our teaching and hopefully our relationships with our Indigenous clients.”
Congratulations Danielle!
Read the Thursday Island elective article from Anne-Marie Nielson, recipient of the 2015 MDA National and RDAA Rural Health Bursary.

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