01 Jan 0001

Are you planning a fundraising activity in support of a healthcare related cause?
Contact our CSR team at CSR@mdanational.com.au because we’d love to consider sponsoring you.
Are you planning a fundraising activity in support of a healthcare related cause?
Contact our CSR team at CSR@mdanational.com.au because we’d love to consider sponsoring you.
We believe it’s our corporate social responsibility to look beyond our organisation and help those in the wider medical community.
We recently made a major commitment to sponsor rooms at Ronald McDonald House at Perth Children’s Hospital and Westmead House, Sydney, and are also happy to consider smaller projects. Many of our staff members enjoyed using their volunteering time for the Home for Dinner program and helped to cook a meal for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House.

Royal Perth Hospital recently benefited from our donation to their Music on the Bridge program where a passionate group of doctors and volunteers bring local musicians to play at the hospital once a week at lunchtime. It was music to our ears! Throughout the year we also supported various other charities including Youth Focus, Gidget Foundation, The Smith Family, Tour de Cure and of course our Charity of Choice, beyondblue.

Doctors Let's Talk: Get Yourself A Fricking GP
Get yourself a fricking GP stat! is a conversation with Dr Lam, 2019 RACGP National General Practitioner of the Year, rural GP and GP Anesthetics trainee, that explores the importance of finding your own GP as a Junior Doctor.
25 Oct 2022
Systematic efforts to reduce harms due to prescribed opioids – webinar recording
Efforts are underway across the healthcare system to reduce harms caused by pharmaceutical opioids. This 43-min recording of a live webinar, delivered 11 March 2021, is an opportunity for prescribers to check, and potentially improve, their contribution to these endeavours. Hear from an expert panel about recent opioid reforms by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
14 May 2021
Diplomacy in a hierarchy: tips for approaching a difficult conversation
Have you found yourself wondering how to broach a tough topic of conversation? It can be challenging to effectively navigate a disagreement with a co-worker, especially if they're 'above' you; however, it's vital for positive team dynamics and safe patient care. In this recording of a live webinar you'll have the opportunity to learn from colleagues' experiences around difficult discussions and hear from a diverse panel moderated by Dr Kiely Kim (medico-legal adviser and general practitioner). Recorded live on 2 September 2020.
05 Oct 2020